County Parcel Search (Updated every Sunday) The County "Parcel Search" will assist you in finding information about parcels in the County. Search by one or any combination you choose.
Owner's Name: (Example = LastName FirstName)
Property Address: (Ex. Number = 210, Name = Main)
Street Number: Street Name: Zip:
Bi-LevelRanchSplit LevelConventionalModernEarth ContactEarth ShelterBungalowOld StyleVictorianColonialTraditionalOther - 14Other - 19
Year Built Range:
Start Year: End Year:
Total Bedrooms:
Property Desc (S/T/R):
SEC: 010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 TWP: 010203040523 RNG: 010203040523
Full: 012345 Half: 012
Appraised Amount: (Example = min 50000 and max 75000)
Min $: Max $:
Is there a Basement?:
Slab - 1Crawl - 2Partial - 3Full - 4Walkout - 5
Property Class:
Class: Agricultural UseCommercial & IndustrialExemptFarm HomesiteNot for ProfitOtherReal PropertyResidentialUtilityVacant
Acre Range: (Ex. Min 20 Max 500)
Min : Max :
Neighborhood Code:
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